Privacy Policy

Atlas Plumbing Pty Ltd (Atlas Plumbing) respects the privacy of every visitor to this website (the Website) and is committed to safeguarding your privacy online.

Atlas Plumbing is bound by the National Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). This privacy policy outlines the information Atlas Plumbing will collect from you when you use the Website and how Atlas Plumbing handles that information.

When you visit the Website, we may ask you for personal information, such as contact information, personal details and your email address. We collect and use your personal information so that we may reply to you, satisfy your request and provide you with information on our products and services.  Personal information received from you via the Website will only be used by Atlas Plumbing, except as otherwise required by law or as Atlas Plumbing specifically discloses to you when the information is collected.

We will not disclose personal information received from you via the Website to third parties except:

Unless you consent otherwise, your personal information will not be used for purposes that are unrelated to the Website.

When you visit the Website, we will not collect any personal information about you unless you provide it to us voluntarily.

You can seek to update or verify the accuracy of your personal information submitted to Atlas Plumbing through the Website by contacting

For all information or enquiries please contact Atlas Plumbing at: or Ph: 0418 222 360